This will "reset" the mission and it will see that you've done the computers, and instruct you to return to the security office, where the guy will tell you how to get to the parking structure. To get past the glitch, after resetting all of the computers (don't worry about the one without the keyboard), back track to the last mission (as if you are going to where the guard wants morphine) - you'll have to jump over the desks and break the door glass to the dark hallway outside of the server room (don't worry, there won't be any zombies). There is a PC that is blue screened, but has no keyboard, but it doesn't require resetting in order to complete the side mission. After resetting all of the terminals, there is no waypoint to return to the security office and if you do, the guard tells you to go back and finish. There's a confirmed glitch in the PC release of the "Born to be Wild" mission during the server room firewall reset portion.